Sunday, October 25, 2015

Dark Shining

Sometimes shining seems dark.  Aurora Borealis is both.  The brightness refers to the darker setting.  I was given a pair of Aurora Borealis earrings.  They are multi-faceted brown, copper and bluish sides that reflect dark light.  
I am used to being off the beaten track, obscure and hidden.  This dark light has become my favorite.  The stars shine brightly but not in the daytime.

I also have a pair of clear, glass-like earrings.  They just showed up in the bottom of a bag of used stuff.  I like them, too.  Sometimes open, bright shining is best.  It is harder for me, but it is a calling.

I have to go with my callings.  I'm glad they vary a lot so it's never boring.  I love glimmers of moon on dark waters.  I love quiet, deep and profound.

Referencing Father takes various coloration.  We each have our favorites.  The initial Door in is the same but after that - AMAZING flashes of shifting beauty!

He hides Himself in clouds and thick darkness, says the Psalmist.  His brilliance is otherwise unapproachable by human beings.  There is no darkness IN Him.  But His creation like lightning reveals hidden, discreet wonders.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Highest Goal

If you can't seem to believe in something you CAN'T SEE, try this:  STOP BREATHING AIR because it's invisible.  I am sorry, BUT that's how crazy that is to me.  If we could see all of GOD with our human eyes we WOULDN'T BE ABLE TO SEE ANYTHING ELSE!  He is LIKE AIR, which He created for US to breathe. We get to see evidences of His presence and it might hit us right.  Like trees moving in the wind, we experience all of a sudden, the reality of His very present BEING.  If you want to, that is; if you say, OK.

And while you're waiting for a meaningful response on that, Think about this: why does no one believe in BEARING UP under something any more?  It has a negative connotation - same as like, being HUMBLED. So - the negative STAYS negative.  Yet these turn to POSITIVES in the longer run.  Mostly - unless they're REALLY bad and abusive, that is.  Ideal or NOTHING?: Unpeaceful, as it turns out.  Or: spend yourself out to reach a not-so-worthy goal, focused only on the material?  Since it's MY BLOG I can say this:  The HIGHEST GOAL in my surmisal is:  GENUINE GRACE.  That would be both giving and receiving.  And you know where that can COME FROM?  FROM Bearing With and ALLOWING yourself to be humbled.

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

There was an Awesome Sunrise this morning - all pink/orange or orange/pink. That's like, Is it love/truth or truth/love?  Anyway as I stood gazing I suddenly noticed a rower out there - perfect time to be out, after 6 in the morning, right before dawn.  He/she was TOTALLY IMMERSED in that world, enveloped in tinted light infusion.  I was happy to see the person pause long enough to saturate, in spite of the work ethic of race-practice: it was a rowing shell; you almost don't see the boat; a person could practically be floating just at the water line.
Before that it was all my favorite stars and big puffs of cloud.  And the Big Mountain toward the S.E.  Wow - I am so grateful to be here.  I will include a photo soon...(still absorbing all this TECH STUFF) ~ Cheerio!