Friday, January 29, 2016

Firstfruits and then some...

We are eating frozen rhubarb from our garden, cooked with honey - with a few frozen blueberries thrown in.

We are eating dried plums from the Fall before last.  It was a bumper crop.  The grapes were a bumper crop this year - I dried BUNCHES of them into raisins.  And there are still some I froze out of desperation in dealing with so many... and this is not California!  We just had a great, hot summer; we're eating it's sunshine!

We're still buying fresh fruit on a weekly basis.  It is a container for all kinds of great nutrients - and flavors!

I am thinking about the Kingdom of YAH - because that is what I always think of!  He talks a lot about fruit.  There are so many different kinds.  And ways of preparation and preservation.  All good.  We are as the fruit of His labor.  Each of us holds flavors and color and unique things to offer to the others.  Get Ripened!

Then being invested with the Life of His Spirit within through Y'shua His "Firstfruits" - discover your offering!

Monday, January 25, 2016

Delicious Reflections / An Easy Password

One very early dawn, I witnessed such Beauty at first light, reflected in the smooth water, and stars were bright, with a half moon shining -  what Joy!

Yet there is a greater - the Beauty of unseen hosts of upper spiritual places, accessed by permission of Most High, where total immersion in beauty and Glory can alter your consciousness to become more of that realm than this.

Which is handy, since that is our ultimate destination - just need a password!  I hear that groaning - another password!?!?!  But it's easy to remember:     

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ *YES.YESHUA*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After that initial access you can become even more creative, like He is.  For instance, what a sensation is taste!  What ingenious concepts of various flavors in our necessary food!  ENJOY, ENJOY!  TASTE BEAUTY, EVEN!

Probably it's slightly sweet and nutty, like they say manna is: angel food!  Delicious AND ENTIRELY Nutritious!  How perfect is that!?  YUM!

*Yeshua is Jesus' Hebrew name, His nickname anyway, plus:  The Messiah.*
As a blessing, of course, and not as a curse because I think you don't want a curse.  I just use Yeshua because it incorporates the YES!  Just for fun.  It's all about your intention and heart.  I am assuming WHOLE-HEARTED-NESS!

Thursday, January 21, 2016

From old-young to young-old is the Ticket

We went to see Star Wars/Force Awakens, finally.  We were the only ones in the theater for a long time.  Because we are old enough to know better than to go at peak times.  Yeah, it was reminiscent of long ago in a galaxy far, far away.  When our first son was quite young.  

They did a pretty good job of not replicating everything but making it familiar in a good way.  The casting is superb.  Seeing the "oldsters" had it's effect.  This is OUR LIFESPAN TOO!  they are portraying.  

So I had this "AWAKENING" thought - not that I don't know my REAL age - but once upon a time = last year, I was old-young.  Still young but getting "up there". 
 Now I'm YOUNG-OLD!  Older but with Lotsa Life Left! (not as old as Leia:)

That is how Star Wars was a trip BACK IN TIME that was a TICKET TO MY NOW.

Friday, January 15, 2016

The Unseen Is More Valuable

The unseen is better than the see-able so I prefer it.  As some do, maybe 
Love, Joy, Air, Gravity; the most amazing stuff is not visible to the naked eye.  
The effects are seen, felt, experienced, so in that way we do see unseen things already.  

But just like the visible, there are good and bad both unseen and seen:  
hate, injustice, disease-causing "germs".  Exposure to the Good unseen is best, of course - non-detrimental.

To know Goodness and Truth, internal exposure to them is the way to secure them: God IS Goodness.  He says to view Him in the Unseen place of the heart, our spirit.  Foundational to that is What He says about Himself.  

Biblical concepts taken as stated are the elemental beginnings to a deeper relationship with YAH.  Yahweh, or Yahuwah.  He is Much Larger than His HUGE Universe.  Then it becomes more personal - and very, very fun!

His firstborn Son is the catalyst of it all and is very valuable to gaze upon as well.  Best to start there, in fact, because He is the exact representation of Yahuwah: the radiance of His Glory.  What's not to Love?!     Hebrews 1:3