Thursday, November 30, 2017

Midnight Oil / Preparedness

PREPAREDNESS.  Oswald Chambers says, It's preparation AND preparation!  John Sanford says we who heal earth need this walk.  We know it in our minds and in our spirits.  The 5 foolish virgins were short on this.  Are we READY TO WAIT LONGER ~ AS MIDNIGHT APPROACHES?

Midnight darkness is deep darkness.  We will need all the supply we can get!
Should the Bridegroom tarry.  What does that Darkness look like?  Evil.  What is the preparation?

Mentallyexpect the unexpected.  Your theology might have to bust the box it's currently in.

Spiritually:  We are ALWAYS to focus on the UNSEEN.  As we do, we become what we behold: empowered by Yah whose Kingdom is to Come to earth, as in Heaven.  WORSHIP Most High.  REMAIN IN His Son - THAT IS ALWAYS OUR PLACE OF spiritual SAFETY!

Physically: Go ahead and store food/water, have emergency shelter.  But BETTER IS: press in to operate in the "powers of the age to come".  Do what Yeshua did:  Multiply food.  There is also water available coming out of the Spirit realm; divine oil emerges: supernatural supply.   

Best to not give up if He delays.  Evil may wax worse, but that doesn't mean He isn't STILL COMING!  If the oil is HOPE, we MUST maintain that, be ready to need/use extra supply.  On the other hand, His delay is no reason to go all fleshy and act out junk.  But that's another parable!

Thursday, November 23, 2017

Miraculous Oil. (Guess I better start blogging again!)

Chanuka is celebrated because the Macabees during warfare ran out of oil for the temple lamp, which was to be kept burning always.  Miraculously, the oil did not diminish for 8 days!

The 5 foolish virgins ran out of oil waiting for the Bridegroom.  Yeshua taught that parable in the new covenant.  

He would have celebrated Chanuka when He was on earth.  The running out of /supernatural oil in the temple happened BETWEEN the old and new covenants.  Applying that now, oil portrays Holy Spirit SUPPLY.

Unfortunately, the unwise virgins could not access the miraculous!  They went to try to buy oil and missed the main event: coming of the Bridegroom!  The 5 wise virgins were well-equipped.  Plenty of oil!