Monday, June 4, 2018

Off the Page Into Reality

Every day I write a to-do list.  I have to be careful that it doesn't become a dead works thing.  The academic way is inactive writing on the page.  This is a "form" thing, not a function, as some call it.

The Word of Elohim is active!  It comes to life in living color in front of your face - AS you seek from Him!  THEN - go-go-go!

Hebrews 4:12 is where the Word of God is called "living and active".  Right on the heels of the verses about entering His rest.    This means He energizes it more than just myself; so if a thing isn't done allowing this from Him, it's like soulish and at least half-dead.

Seeing it first, visually, in the mind's eye, is live, leading to "only doing what we see the Father doing" like Y'shua did.  (John 5:19).

If t
he sword of the Spirit is the Word of God, as Ephesians 6:17 says, that's pretty sharp and active!  Words- Get off my flat page into His Reality!

Thursday, May 3, 2018

customs vs disciplines

I wrote that last one in a state of jet-lag from being on the other side of the world - then my back went out!
YOU BET I NEEDED REST, RECOVERY=HELP AND REFUGE - from all forms of "back-lash".  Still do, as always.  But it's all much better.  Thankfully.

On my journey, I was pondering the different customs of cultures.  (As for the process of going through "customs", it was a disordered mess and I missed a gate change at a particular US airport - cost me a whole extra day of travel!)

I realized that in my personal life, I have customs also.  It is my custom to commune with Elohiym in the early morning.  That is a pleasant thing.  It is natural for me.  Yet many, many years ago it started as a discipline.

I could have chosen many different uses of that time.  But I NEEDED to press in to HIM because things were...not easy, to say the least.  Still aren't, really.

Customs develop over a long period of time.  It's not that they are some sort of LAW that restricts you and you have to STRIVE to abide by it.  It is just a natural way of being, and doing follows.

I am again speaking to myself because I tend to overdo attempts at DISCIPLINE which makes the thing HARDER.  You beat yourself up for not sticking to it!  Whereas a custom is a pleasant thing that CAN FLEX with circumstances.
My "list" for the day can become more customary than a set of Requirements!!
My life just got EASIER!  (now to make more of my disciplines a custom!:)

Monday, April 30, 2018

Three Comings

There are many places in Scripture where we are invited to "Come".  What does this entail?  Simply our soul and spirit approaching Elohim, God, by intent: will or desire.  This is prayer.  Not hard.

The classic is in Matthew 11:28.  Come to Me, all who labor and are heavy-laden, and I will give you rest.  Do we really believe and receive that?   Take some.

Draw near to the throne of grace, confidently, that we may receive mercy and help in time of need.  Hebrews 4:16.  Drawing is Coming near.  Take some.

Then there is: we who have fled for refuge in laying hold of the hope set before us.  Hebrews 6:18.  This is running into His presence, for shelter.  Take some.

Rest, help and shielding.  I need all these very often!  If you Come near to God, you have to believe that He exists and ACTUALLY gives you the thing you need!  Hebrews 11:6.  I think I am not the only one who can use encouragement to grasp this REALITY FULLY.

A state of DWELLING in these realities is the desired result of constantly COMING to Him in daily need.  
Believing is the only stipulation to transact receiving.

Seems so simple, so why are so many of us wiped out, striving alone and vulnerable to attacks?  Umm.. we forgot, in our rushing around, to take some.  I need them all RIGHT NOW!  This is for me, I know.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Deep Things

This morning I was given lovely confirmations as pondering how Holy Spirit = Ruach Elohiym -(Breath of Most High)- searches the deep things of Yahweh.  These are the REAL depths!  His rain had been a topic of meditation also.

A light rain shower hit my skylight at that moment.  When I stepped out of my studio there was a full rainbow to the Northwest.  The sun had emerged.

In Revelation it calls the enemy's deep things "so-called".  It is the same Greek word for both.  Yahweh's are genuine; the enemy's, a convincing counterfeit.
(Bathos: profound and mysterious).  (1 Corinthians 2:10 / Revelation 2:24).
Romans 8:26 portrays the deep groaning of the Spirit in intercession through us and in the 11th chapter the depth of His riches is described, unfathomable in wisdom, knowledge and right judgements.  Incomparable to any others.