YOU BET I NEEDED REST, RECOVERY=HELP AND REFUGE - from all forms of "back-lash". Still do, as always. But it's all much better. Thankfully.
On my journey, I was pondering the different customs of cultures. (As for the process of going through "customs", it was a disordered mess and I missed a gate change at a particular US airport - cost me a whole extra day of travel!)
I realized that in my personal life, I have customs also. It is my custom to commune with Elohiym in the early morning. That is a pleasant thing. It is natural for me. Yet many, many years ago it started as a discipline.
I could have chosen many different uses of that time. But I NEEDED to press in to HIM because things were...not easy, to say the least. Still aren't, really.
Customs develop over a long period of time. It's not that they are some sort of LAW that restricts you and you have to STRIVE to abide by it. It is just a natural way of being, and doing follows.
I am again speaking to myself because I tend to overdo attempts at DISCIPLINE which makes the thing HARDER. You beat yourself up for not sticking to it! Whereas a custom is a pleasant thing that CAN FLEX with circumstances.
My "list" for the day can become more customary than a set of Requirements!!
My life just got EASIER! (now to make more of my disciplines a custom!:)