Tuesday, April 16, 2019

IS It Matter or DOES It Matter?

Matter matters.  
One is about the material substance of things.  One is about the importance of a thing: how much does it matter?  Which is also a kind of substance.  But, what makes a thing matter, and to whom?

How much weight do you put on a thing?  How heavily do you CARE ABOUT it?  VS. How much weight is intrinsic in a thing: a person; a mountain? As a matter of fact, which IS more important - matter or matter?  Allow me to take this matter further!

ALL LIFE MATTERS + WE ARE ALL MADE OF MATTER on the planet at this point. "Faith is the SUBSTANCE of things hoped for.." Hebrews 11:1.  Do you hope for a car, for instance?  Or for a MEANINGFUL LIFE?  You can have a car and an empty life (vacant:opposite of matter).  Or a full, meaningful life and not have a car.  OR BOTH!!  Faith matters substantially.  Create well!

Friday, April 12, 2019

Seeing Him

I used to think I didn't need to SEE Jesus.  I don't NEED to - but I sure WANT to.  Who wouldn't?

"Blessed are those who have not seen and yet believe."  I didn't "see" Him, but I sure FELT HIM WHEN HE "SHOWED UP".  It was my Spirit being born again.  I believed without seeing Him.

Since His time on earth we all have to believe without seeing Him - initially.  Almost all of us.
BUT NOW - WHY NOT?  I don't need to see Him IN ORDER TO believe.  I already KNOW HIM.
But He is appearing to many now, like right after His resurrection and ascension.  He released a lot of people from spiritual "prison", and a bunch of them were seen then.  WHY NOT NOW? No reason:)!

Tuesday, April 9, 2019


How did Yeshua/Jesus keep the Word perfectly, and NEVER even once break it?  In our humanness we may wonder; He was tempted like us.
Because He WAS the Word.  Abide in Him and be the same.  
John 1:14  John 15:5
Hebrews 4:15