Thursday, September 10, 2015

Feeling Submerged

What was from the beginning, we've seen, we've heard, we've handled, concerning the Word of Life.  I really like John and this is from 1 John 1:1.  After saying a little about POWER in Sound and Sight, Sense comes next: the POWER OF TOUCH.  If you were deaf and blind, chances are you could still FEEL.  An earthquake, the heat of a strong lamp or fire.  A good DOUSING in water!  And so forth.

I love water.  It feels really good - at the right temperature.  Going under completely is a pleasure.  This is about Living Water and His presence.  I am like a Loon in His presence, I love to go DEEP and for a long time.  (yes I know that crazy haunting call they make:).  Deep calls to deep at the sound of Your waterfalls, says psalmist David.  All Your breakers and waves have ROLLED OVER me.  I sense His Powerful surrounding and am at peace.  Staying there is the challenge.  Hits happen.

A few verses down John says, If we walk in the Light as He Himself is in the Light...  so I take it that it is a constant walk and a continous submersion in His warm, comforting Being.  He is there, inside Himself and we are invited in.  The inner sense, again, can be far more delightful than any outer one.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sight Fulfilled

Besides sound, most of us take sight for granted too. Yet it has the power to transform our very nature.  As for me...I will be satisfied with Your likeness when I awake:  When my eyes open, and I see You for Who and what You are.  I am with you on that, David the psalmist.  When we SEE Him, we will be made LIKE Him, because we will SEE HIM AS HE IS, John informs us.  In Revelation,

we see what HE LOOKS LIKE - hair white as wool or snow, eyes like fire, face like the sun shining in full strength... and by the way, HIS VOICE is like the SOUND OF MANY WATERS.  (See yesterday's post).  Awesome!!  Powerful!  And as with yesterday's, so much more could be said - an eternity's worth!  It's hard to imagine ourselves LOOKING LIKE THIS ALSO.  But we will, who are engaged in looking for Him!  This becomes the fulfillment of sight itself.  Spiritual, if not natural.

The spiritual is not just figurative but real.  And the longer we "LOOK" at something, the more we BECOME that, so no wonder we are told to LOOK at the UNSEEN more than the seen things.  The Glory of Father, Creator, begins to come through into THIS REALM from that realm, to our eyes. 

I know that is true of sound as well because in my "profession" it happens all the time.  Things shift often because of the frequencies coming through from Jah's presence-based percussion intercession.  The intention of the one playing comes through as well.  Fathers will be done in earth as in heaven.  Visually, a prophetic picture paints 100000 words.  It creates, in itself.  Time to go paint, see you!


Monday, September 7, 2015

Sounds Immersing

SOUND is POWERFUL. We forget. From loud wind and thunder to a tiny trickle of water to the BOOMS of a man-made DRUM; traffic cacaphony to soft singing. It seems obvious, but in looking deeper and realizing the origins in conjunction with human hearing and interpreting: WOH! Even a deaf person can FEEL SOUND as it shakes the earth in some cases; as some frequencies affect the sense perception. In the origins of Narnia, Aslan SANG the world into existance. Staccato to deep bass. I love it! Creative vibrations. In our world - seems a little more boring, but it's NOT REALLY, unless in the same way fiction may seem more versatile, Elohiym SPOKE. BUT WOH - WHAT A SOUND! I hold: The BIG BOOM THEORY! I can imagine quite a bit - of phenomena in that! Immersing in natural sound portrays the potency of both beauty and fear, our capacities and our helplessness...WHO ARE WE? Well, this has been my first little BLOG. Hello World, whoever you are. It's taken me this long just to get this far. But now I "hear" the call of those within who desire my lowly presence (maybe:). Sometimes my interior sound is LOUDEST!