Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sight Fulfilled

Besides sound, most of us take sight for granted too. Yet it has the power to transform our very nature.  As for me...I will be satisfied with Your likeness when I awake:  When my eyes open, and I see You for Who and what You are.  I am with you on that, David the psalmist.  When we SEE Him, we will be made LIKE Him, because we will SEE HIM AS HE IS, John informs us.  In Revelation,

we see what HE LOOKS LIKE - hair white as wool or snow, eyes like fire, face like the sun shining in full strength... and by the way, HIS VOICE is like the SOUND OF MANY WATERS.  (See yesterday's post).  Awesome!!  Powerful!  And as with yesterday's, so much more could be said - an eternity's worth!  It's hard to imagine ourselves LOOKING LIKE THIS ALSO.  But we will, who are engaged in looking for Him!  This becomes the fulfillment of sight itself.  Spiritual, if not natural.

The spiritual is not just figurative but real.  And the longer we "LOOK" at something, the more we BECOME that, so no wonder we are told to LOOK at the UNSEEN more than the seen things.  The Glory of Father, Creator, begins to come through into THIS REALM from that realm, to our eyes. 

I know that is true of sound as well because in my "profession" it happens all the time.  Things shift often because of the frequencies coming through from Jah's presence-based percussion intercession.  The intention of the one playing comes through as well.  Fathers will be done in earth as in heaven.  Visually, a prophetic picture paints 100000 words.  It creates, in itself.  Time to go paint, see you!


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