Saturday, December 31, 2016

From Within

Eve didn't comprehend, nor did Adam, how vulnerable she was, having been taken out of his interior, to be created.

Human internals are protected by our exteriors for a reason.  Since woman was taken from within manwas she the target of the deception in Eden, perhaps, being more vulnerable?

AND YET - since the Kingdom of Yahuwah Elohim is WITHIN US, then she may also have a spiritual advantage, being taken FROM WITHIN. 

Y'shua said that the Kingdom is within us; in the epistles it is said, Messiah within, our hope of glory.

It is an interdependence, though, generally.  She needed man, to be taken out FROM.  He needed a worthy companion.

Friday, December 16, 2016


According to 1 Corinthians, of Faith, Hope and Love, LOVE is the GREATEST.  Why?

Faith is pretty great, indispensable, and without Hope you're hopeless - bland and despairing. 

But I realized, LOVE LEADS TO Hope and Faith.  If you don't care, why bother with hoping or believing for the best?

Love ignites hope ignites faith = you can SEE IT - IT just happens to be AHEAD OF TIME.

Which is because You DO Care about the someone or something.  Because you LOVE.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Conformity to Non-conformity?

I was brought up to be basically a non-conformist, though not in everything.  Some things are right to conform to.  But others - variables - are, well, variable.

But somehow I detected that in certain general "groups", in order to fit with those particular misfits, one must "obey" a whole new set of "rules".  Yuck.

Like, what you are "supposed" to approve or disapprove.  What you may or should not wear; what kind of hairstyle - it's "supposed" to say something about your inner being.  Ick.

Why should a person conform to non-conformity?  I like what I like, not what the "they" of my "group" say.  GOD!  What happened to genuine creativity?  Shade it however you like.  But the absolutes - they stand alone in the clear light of Day.